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Day 14 On the Road to Riverton, Wy

Today we traveled to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Randy decided that he needed to take his bike out on the flats. It really is amazing. Jeff gathered some salt for me to bring home and make some salt scrub. As we traveled toward Salt Lake City we passed a lake that reflected the sky like a mirror, it was beautiful. We traveled 80-372-28. We stopped at Little America rest area along Route 80 for lunch. Jeff and I were there 6 years ago. They have 75 cent ice cream cones and they are still 75 cents. We saw some other beautiful sites today along our way to Riverton, Wy where we stopped for the night. Jeff and Randy went to the carwash to wash the salt off of Randy's motorcycle. We had a great dinner at the Red Willow Restaurant. After dinner I played a slot machine and won another $90.20



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